Thursday, September 16, 2010

lily's blog

do you want thriller ,action and humor in a book. Then this book is the one for you it is about two boys who hate each other and the principal makes them work it out by making them play games together and that is not their idea of working it out.One day they do something really bad. when things get bad at school you think it cant get any worse ,it does. life at home isnt going to whoppie. when one is seriosly hurt and needs help it puts their hatred to the test i know you will love this book ps you wont want to stop reading ;D brille also did this book


angie said...

Good Job Lily! I'm so glad you're reading.

Mr. Stewart said...

THIS SOUNDS REALLY COOL LILY! i think i am going to read that.

IronMan said...

The examination date for RRB ALP recruitment 2018 will be released at least one month before the exam date and the written exam for ALP will be conducted online.